Party at the Scullin Shops
Scullin Shops in Canberra will come alive on Friday 27 March
2015 at 3pm–7pm when they host Parties at the Shops. Drop in and enjoy live
music, arts and crafts, sausage sizzle, face painting, stalls and more. Free
Another Chance Op Shop in Scullin is again delighted to be
involved. The shop will remain open through to 7pm and we will have lots of
in-store sales on the day.
Another Chance has been selling treasures to customers for the
last 20 years and a great range of children's and adult clothing, bags, shoes,
kitchenware, manchester, books, toys and bric a brac at affordable
We are a project of Mosaic Baptist Church, with profits from
sales going directly towards supporting people in need both locally and
Op Shop Tel: (02) 6278 4135
Venue: Ross Smith Crescent, Scullin, ACT 2614
Event website
Op Shop website