It was wonderful to have time yesterday to do one of my favorite op shop loops.
First stop was Salvos Mitchell where I picked up a book and a paper making kit for $5 total (just what I need: another hobby. But for under $5 I figured it could sit in the craft cupboard until inspiration struck. And if that never happened I could donate it to the Community Arts tent at The National Folk Festival next year)

Keeping to the music theme, at my next stop ( Y's Buys Belconnen) I picked up some recorder tuition books for $1 each. This week I rediscovered a recorder I picked up second hand ages ago and had the sudden urge to do something with it. So I'm planning to reteach myself to read music, a skill I last used about twenty five years ago. I surprised myself last night by discovered I can play Depeche Mode's Just can't get enough by ear...
If I'm not mistaken, that's an old reel of kite string that you have there - at least, I'm pretty sure. I remember the old kites that my parents used to bring home for me from Malaysia would have plastic equivalents of those attached.
I've played with one of those paper-making kits recently, as a craft project with my niece. I'd recommend trying to recycle the whitest, cleanest paper that you have - prettier results will ensue. Newspaper just gives you dirty grey results.
Fun buys!
Could it be a drop spindle?
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