Friday, 30 January 2015

Another Chance Op Shop (Scullin)

Big summer sale!

50% off ALL clothing until the end of February 2015!



Address: Ross Smith Crescent, Scullin (shops), ACT 2614

Hours: Monday to Friday 10am-4.30pm & Saturday 10am-1pm.

Tel: 02 6278 4135


Another Chance Op Shop is the 'best little op shop in Canberra' - we offer a great range of children's and adult clothing, bags, shoes, kitchenware, manchester, books, toys and bric a brac at affordable prices. 


Anonymous said...

Hi I am traveling to canberra this weekend and are looking for the bargain op shops can you help?

AMCSviatko said...

Hi Anonymous

Have you checked out the map and spreadsheet links on the right hand side of the page? They're a bit out of date but not much has chanced since they were created.

Anonymous said...

Hi thank you so much I was in the mobile version - it is exactly what I need!