Thursday, 30 December 2010
Sunday, 26 December 2010
Date for the diary
Zonta's Pre-Loved Designer and Vintage Women's Fashion Sale - we need your help!
Hello Ladies,
Are you thinking about clearing out your wardrobe? Please think of us when you do, as we need your clothes – to help us with our programs to advance the status of women in our region.
The Zonta Club of Canberra Breakfast Inc is holding a Pre-Loved Designer & Vintage Women’s Fashion Sale on Saturday 5th March 2011, and we need your help to make it a success, and achieve our goals.
Don’t leave unworn outfits languishing in your wardrobe – your unwanted clothing can help us to provide awards to assist women with tertiary education, help women entering refuges and other projects.
If you have good-quality, contemporary items of clothing that you can spare – including handbags, shoes and scarves – let us know and we’ll come and pick them up. Email: canberrabreakfast@zontadistrict24.org with your address and phone number or phone Minh 0402 285 586 to arrange collection.
The sale will be held from 10am – 3pm on Saturday, 5th March at the ACT ATSI Cultural Centre, 245 Lady Denman Drive (city side before Scrivener Dam). Schedule this date in your diaries, and come shopping with us.
(Proudly supported by the ACT ATSI Cultural Centre, Nunie, CIT
Proceeds to Zonta Education Awards for Women and other Zonta projects *
* Zonta International is a worldwide service organisation of women in business working together to advance the status of women worldwide on a global and local level. The Zonta Club of Canberra Breakfast support local Canberra women through a range of programs including;
· providing women in refuges with basic toiletry needs;
· providing women with basic kitchen items when leaving refuges and setting up a new home;
· supporting women after breast surgery with Breast Cushions;
· supporting the education of women in a non-traditional field (eg astronomy);
· supporting women in developing countries during childbirth through the provision of a Birthing Kit to aid a clean, safe birthing environment.)
Thursday, 23 December 2010
Simply the Best
What about locally - what were your best buys this year? Your favourite outlets?
Answers on the back of a postcard or in the comments - or even better - a post!