Sunday, 30 November 2008
A little rocker
....there was also short trip to the Jamison Salvos....and a few lovely bits of fabric and some knitting patterns made there way back home with us - no photos yet.
Curtains and carrots

The only other thing I bought in my Queanbeyan Crawl was a pure cotton single sheet:

And the carrots and broad beans? A gift from Happy Spider 's garden.
Friday, 28 November 2008
Taph FAFing About - Take a Seat
Date: Sunday 15 November
Place: Second-hand Sunday participant, Kaleen
Objects: Concrete surrounds and two vintage kitchen chairs.
Investment: $0
Notes: For the thrifty gardener, this concrete edging is fantastic. I was given a whole heap of it a couple of years ago which edged my driveway. Makes mowing easier, too. Had to bring this home when I saw it - Dad would be proud. The chairs are for my front porch and may not last long, but they were free and sometimes I just have to have something for the sake of it.
Also on Unravelled.
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Taph FAFing About - White Wash
Date: Saturday 22 November
Place: Garage sale, Ngunnawal
Object: Lightly used laundry trolley
Investment: $10
Notes: Replaces the expensive and very short-lived version from Howard's Storage World bought a few years back and which only lasted a couple of months. The problem - welded supports which kept breaking. This one has the metal supports through the frame and should last MUCH longer.
Also on Unravelled.
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
The case: opened and closed

Yep, I think it was the tag that did it...

Taph's FAFing About* - Second-Hand Sunday 20 November
We score within the first hour - a 4 burner BBQ with gas bottle. I stand guard while the Old Flame returns home for the trailer. The owner is downsizing and is pleased to get rid of her almost new bbq. We've been discussing the need for a BBQ for months and have even spent time in retail outlets checking them out. This will do for now and suits the budget very well indeed.
We also picked up a crock for vinegar making (still looking for a vinegar mother - anyone?), a box of books, a Microsoft ergonomic keyboard, some concrete garden edging and two 50s dining chairs.
We left this fella behind. Poor Humpty looked lonely on this hideous couch. It's not obvious, but his eyes and belt buckle are gorgeous paua shells and he nearly came home for those alone.
Tips for a successful Second-Hand Sunday.
1. Take your trailer or your brother's transit van if you're after big stuff, particularly if you're on your own. If there are two or more of you, then one can stand guard while the other goes back for the trailer, for example, but it's time consuming and dull (I had my knitting, so it was fine)
2. Do your homework. All of the participating addresses are up on the website in the preceding days. The night before, print out the areas you are interested in (we did Gungahlin and some of Belconnen), and make notes.
3. If you have a programmable GPS so much the better, program the streets and away you go.
4. Alternatively mark a map (or copy of a map) with the locations and devise a plan of attack. Frugal tip - there's a street directory that covers most of Canberra in the back of the Yellow Pages.
*FAF = Frugal and/or Free
Reprinted and enlarged from Unravelled Blog
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Taph FAFing* About - Release the Moths
Place: St Vincent de Paul op-shop, Gungahlin
Object: Brand new Oroton wallet (kanagroo leather, buttery soft)
Investment: $9
Notes: Replaces the $3 op-shop wallet which I've had exactly a year
*FAF = Frugal and/or Free
Reprinted from Unravelled Blog
Monday, 24 November 2008
Northside news
And a reminder: they have the dates for future bookfairs to 2011 on their site so you have no excuse to miss one!
2. Salvos Mitchell has done a little remodel with the addition of two new changing rooms and the removal of the Coke machine (actually it was stolen!) They reminded me that the current Loyalty Card programme expires on 31st December 2008 and they haven't heard word that it will be extended (or replaced) for 2009. Oh: and this week's magic tag colour? Blue.
3. Salvos Belconnen is overflowing with furniture (and rather nice pieces at that). They also have two knitting machines in stock (you'll need to dig through the furniture to find them!)
4. If you're after Christmas goodies at fabulous prices check out the new "Christmas Store" at Vinnies Belconnen.

What's new in your neck of the woods?
(* Literally as it's corrugated iron)
Sunday, 23 November 2008
The best laid plans...
It was Janet and hubby who were out garage saling and thought I might like to come along. I tried saying no, honest I did ("No, now I'm underemployed I'm not spending money except on the necessities") but her plea that she needed The Voice of Frugal Reason along had me heading up the stairs, out of my PJs and into some clothes.
I declared I'd only spend what was in my wallet. Which happened to be a whopping $5.75. Which was all fine and dandy until we got our first garage sale which had a huge stack of CDs for $2 each. But I was strong. Picked out just one (The best of Nick Cave) and wandered round a bit. Found a book for 50 cents then spotted these:

The next garage sale was small and disappointing. Until I noticed an interesting looking case in the corner. And since Frugaller's Rule Number One is "Always look inside things" I did. And discovered an old sewing machine which the owner declared I could have for free. Of course I said yes as I know Janet's hubby is a dab hand at sewing machine sorting out and Janet is always looking for more machines for a craft group she runs. Once the owner saw how excited we were she mentioned she had another machine inside if we wanted that as well: which turned out to be a beautiful old Singer. Janet was ecstatic!
At this stage we swung past home to drop off my drawer unit. I should have stopped then, right? Budget spent, fun had? But no. Somehow I found myself over the road at the ATM picking up another $20 before we were off again down the road to the Holy Cross Fete at St Margaret's in Hackett. Where I spotted a carton full of interesting looking boxes:

And then I went home. And we sorted the contents over cups of tea. And I was very happy.
(Reprinted from The Shopping Sherpa)
Saturday, 22 November 2008
Frugalling fun....
The second garage sale was a bonus - Look - 2 sewing machines - well and truly vintage) - for NOTHING - nada - free - gratis. The owner was pleased to have them go to a place where they could be loved.

Friday, 21 November 2008
Bargain at Aussie Junk - Mitchell
After a fashion

To be truly green you should reserve G Magzine July 2008 from the library and read the whole thing, or a very truncated version can be found here.
eBay finds - a DIY project
Hurrah! It was eBay-win-pickup day.
Having spied some fabulously 60's Parker-esque chairs on eBay two weeks ago, I had my battleplan all set out. Add to watch list - check. Bide my time and wait patiently for auction end - check. Swoop in within the last couple of minutes of the auction, fighting a short but brutal bidding war with just one other bidder - check.
Two minutes and $72.30 later, the chairs were mine for collection.

As long as my procrastination brain cell doesn't peer pressure the rest of the team into going on Chrissie holidays early, I'm hoping to having brand-new-old-non-orange-chairs to complement my Parker sideboard and dining table. Updates to follow! And look! they even recline.Some tips for other eBay thrifty hunters out there - searching for items within Canberra is ridiculously unreliable, as eBay's 'search by distance' function seems to place certain ACT postcodes well outside the ACT. I know (through my own trial and error) that the eBay system seems to think that 2600, 2601 and 2903 are all located somewhere in country NSW. Terribly frustrating for both buyers and sellers, but complaints seem to fall on deaf ears. Try searching from a few different postcodes to cover the bases... but if you come across the gleaming polished teak of a piece of genuine 60's Parker... the battle is on. You'll have ME to contend with ;)
[photos courtesy of eBay seller dblfizzion]
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Shop early at Mitchell Salvos
What was interesting was when we went to the counter to pay. The staff member explained that they have 'specials' on different coloured tags on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays only. I got the impression that this might be a strategy used by some other Salvos shops as well; in any case, they're very strict about applying it here. Yesterday, orange tags were half price, and green tags were reduced to $3 and $5 depending on the starting price. This meant my colourful shirt was reduced from $3.50 to $1.75 - a bargain in anyone's language.
So, as the Salvos lady said to us, "Make sure you shop early in the week!"
Sunday, 16 November 2008
A thrifty find at the YMCA Garage Sale
Nothing better than a good op shop on the weekend to make the coming week seem quite insignificant! Hope your hunting went well too.
The Shopping Sherpa (and friends) in Secondhand Land
The full Saturday report as promised:
After an 8am pick up, our first stop was the YMCA Garage Sale. Which I found quite disappointing. We figured it's probably because they're now so regular I'm starting to recognise the same items over and over again: items I chose not to buy on my first visit and also passed over on visit two (and, possibly, three)
I forgot to take photos but I suppose one YMCA Garage Sale is pretty much like another. I spent $12 on a gift (so no photo, sorry) and $3 on this little orange school case which I plan to decoupage with images from 1960s annuals. The giant crochet hook was free (biro to show size)

Also picked up for $1 was this set of carafe and glasses destined for a friend:

Speaking of feeling bad, this is what was in one of the cases:

There was book buying too (one a gift, one which you'll see later)
Back down Adelaide Avenue we headed, to the St Andrew's Village Fair where we were piped in by a kilt wearing bagpipe player. Taph found the perfect tool to deal with handknitted ack bears (I suspect she's imagining a sacrificial fire under it)

Shirley, one of my favorite Salvos Ladies, was there and had a choice of two lots of headgear, this:

There were mammoth amounts of Da Vinci Codes

I bought 2 Simple Minds CDs for $3 each (and ended up giving one to Taph as I realised when I got home that I already had it with a different cover), 2 books ($1.50 total: they had 50% off all books, bric a brac and manchester) and 1 banded ball of Jo Sharp Silkroad DK tweed (50 cents! Yes, my Jo Sharp frugalling Fairy was obviously in town again)
Here's the Vinnie's extention. Not sure if it looks like a castle or a prison...

Oh yes, books...This was yesterday's haul:

From top to bottom: $8 (Vinnies Tuggeranong), $2 (St Andrew's Fete), 50 cents (Salvos Tuggeranong), $2, $2, $2 (St Andrew's Fete), $2 (St Paul's Fete) and $1 (Salvos Tuggeranong - I'm rather pleased with this one as I've never seen a copy of Alison Holst's Meals without Red Meat second hand before)
C and G Auctions - Next Sunday
Auctions held 2 Sundays a month - usually on the south side of Canberra. Go to this link for more information about next Sunday's auction (23 November) to be held in Martens Street, Weston.
You will notice the links down the left hand side - where you can pick up a catalogue (HTML or PDF format) and also see some pictures of what is available. For your pleasure, and temptation, I add a couple of small pictures of what is available in next Sunday' auction. The pictures on their web site are very large, and much easier to see the details.

Auction starts at 10.30 – and if you are not able to stay for the actual auction, you can register your bid with the auctioneer and he will bid for you. You would usually register your lowest / opening bid, and then the maximum you are willing to pay. If he has more than one bid on his books, he will automatically bid them out at the beginning – and lets us know this is happening.

- Selection of linen, pillowcases etc (make great material for sewing with)
- Plastic drawers with knitting and sewing gear
- Selection of children toys (Christmas presents)
- Hand crocheted vintage knee rugs
- Retro handbags, scarves, gloves and hats
- Lace cloths
- Scarves & Jumpers
Have fun - I find the prices are very reasonable - many times I get good stuff for $20.00 or less.
Janet McKinney