The full Saturday report as promised:
After an 8am pick up, our first stop was the YMCA Garage Sale. Which I found quite disappointing. We figured it's probably because they're now so regular I'm starting to recognise the same items over and over again: items I chose not to buy on my first visit and also passed over on visit two (and, possibly, three)
I forgot to take photos but I suppose one YMCA Garage Sale is pretty much like another. I spent $12 on a gift (so no photo, sorry) and $3 on this little orange school case which I plan to decoupage with images from 1960s annuals. The giant crochet hook was free (biro to show size)

Also picked up for $1 was this set of carafe and glasses destined for a friend:

Speaking of feeling bad, this is what was in one of the cases:

There was book buying too (one a gift, one which you'll see later)
Back down Adelaide Avenue we headed, to the St Andrew's Village Fair where we were piped in by a kilt wearing bagpipe player. Taph found the perfect tool to deal with handknitted ack bears (I suspect she's imagining a sacrificial fire under it)

Shirley, one of my favorite Salvos Ladies, was there and had a choice of two lots of headgear, this:

There were mammoth amounts of Da Vinci Codes

I bought 2 Simple Minds CDs for $3 each (and ended up giving one to Taph as I realised when I got home that I already had it with a different cover), 2 books ($1.50 total: they had 50% off all books, bric a brac and manchester) and 1 banded ball of Jo Sharp Silkroad DK tweed (50 cents! Yes, my Jo Sharp frugalling Fairy was obviously in town again)
Here's the Vinnie's extention. Not sure if it looks like a castle or a prison...

Oh yes, books...This was yesterday's haul:

From top to bottom: $8 (Vinnies Tuggeranong), $2 (St Andrew's Fete), 50 cents (Salvos Tuggeranong), $2, $2, $2 (St Andrew's Fete), $2 (St Paul's Fete) and $1 (Salvos Tuggeranong - I'm rather pleased with this one as I've never seen a copy of Alison Holst's Meals without Red Meat second hand before)
Wow! I love everything - well done to you
Oh, baby Singer machine! My sister had a pink one when I was little - what a huge piece of nostalgia in a small plastic form. I am all jealously.
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