Friday, 11 March 2011

The Charity Shop Challenge

Peas and Needles recently blogged about a challenge for 2011 and I thought I Op members might like to join in.

"The rules:

1. Your outfit must comprise of a key-garment from a charity shop plus any other pieces/accessories etc to make up an 'ensemble'.

2. Annotate your outfit. Include a description of the garments/ where you bought or found each piece/ price of charity find.

3. Upload your image onto your blog (and/ or I Op) by the last Friday of each month.

4. On the last Friday of the month tell everyone about it and tweet with the hashtag

5. Extra credit for those who customise their charity shop find.Why not join in!!!

You can also join the Flickr group here. "

What do you reckon? Should we set up an Aussie team?


Unknown said...

Hell YES - I'm IN! Thanks for the heads up - and I would definitely love to be part of an Australian team.

Sarah xxx

Unknown said...

Great idea. How long along ago do they allow for the op-shop purchase to have occurred? I seem to be struggling to find any clothes at op-shops.

Alison said...

Sounds great! I'd love to be part of it.