Thursday, 15 January 2009

Tit for Tat

This afternoon, I did the right thing, and look a Jazz car full of children's clothes and toys and other sundry gear that had accumulated at NationsHeart to the closest Op shop in Belco. In 35C heat, there I was unloading all the boxes and bags, and just as I finished, a wonderful lady came to help.

"Oh Look", I said "you have got a Kenwood Mixer there". She asked if I wanted one - I did to do some baking .. and well - the good old principle of "what comes around, goes around" came into play - and it came home with me (OK - untested - I will have to try it out this afternoon won't I!)


MTB Girl said...

Hey Janet

If it's an oldy that doesn't work I'd love to talk to you about any parts you may have - I have inherited my grandmother's from around 1950ish and could do with a new whisk etc.


Janet McKinney said...


Have to get off my but and give it a go... but there was no whisk with it - just the K beater and the dough hook, and probably parts of teh juicer.
Let you know soon how it goes


Janet McKinney said...

I have used the Kenwood this morning.

It has a few little bits missing - the cover for the blender place, and the one on the top near the front. Also it is missing the plastic round bit that sits under the bowl - and makes the bowl a tight fit (and also makes sure the beater doesn't slip out). I fixed that by putting a cloth under the bowl before twisting it into place.

It seems to work - made a batch of cookies for me. There will be so many more recipes I can try with a mixer... but I want a whisk beater - have to keep an eye out for one somewhere...