The second hand shop at Mitchell Waste Transfer Station reopened this week.

Theiss is now operating the junk shop itself. It is called the R Shop.
The Old Flame and I popped in this morning for a shufty.
Stock is still being built up and it is obvious that they have selected the better offerings for the re-opening. Prices are little high, but that may change. And there are still bargains to be had.
We picked up a Remington Hair Clipper Kit, complete and manufactured in June 2008 for $5. The assistant chucked in the 4 Tupperware picnic plates marked at 50c each for nothing and was happy to chat about the new set up.

We were happy to note that some of the smaller electrical equipment has been safety checked (the hairclippers, for example, only the day before our visit).
All the usual types of stock were represented. Furniture, books, bric-a-brac, sporting and gardening equipment were all there. The Old Flame stalked a hapless customer in the hope of hijacking an enviable camping stove. I'm instructed that it was a Coleman 3-burner petrol camp stove which retails for about $250 marked at $15. TOF was consoled in his loss only by the free Tupperware.
Notably absent were textiles - no clothes, linens, fabrics etc. I saw a solitary pair of women's shoes, but no accessories. There is also no "better bits" section. All stock is priced.
Look forward to your experiences at the new shop.