Friday, 29 May 2009
Lifeline Canberra June 2009 mini-Bookfair
Our first Lifeline Bookfair in the Tuggeranong Valley, the June Mini-Bookfair will be held in the Auditorium, The Vikings Club, 6 Ricardo Street, Erindale (opposite the shopping centre).
Fiction will be a special focus with sci-fi/fantasy, crime, thriller, war, adventure, detective and mystery, humour and romance included.
Cooking and children’s books as well as a range of Australiana and other non-fiction will be on sale.
This is a family-focussed event with the help and support of The Vikings Club.
Entry by gold coin donation.
Bookfair Contacts
Baby and Kids Market
The next one is 20 June 2009 at the Fitzroy Pavilion, EPIC. 9am-12 noon.
Admission is $3 for adults, kids are free.
I've put the dates for this year's Canberra markets in the sidebar and you can sign up for a newsletter from the Baby & Kids Market website.
Did anyone go to the last one? What was it like? There were certainly a lot of cars when we drove past.
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
St Ninian's Trash & Treasure 13 June
Monday, 25 May 2009
Friday, 22 May 2009
Bad karma follows uncharitable act of thievery
Author Jim Schembri
Date of publication 22/05/2009
THOSE large Dalek-like charity bins that dot the burbscape of Melbourne are not merely places where kind people deposit goods for the benefit of the needy. They are heartening reminders of how we live in a compassionate society composed of big-hearted citizens who are so full of the milk of human kindness that they ought to froth.
Yet also living among us are thoughtless sods who consider charity bins as dumping sites to offload junk that is obviously, well, junk. A genuine, you've-got-to-be-kidding fact is that clearing away this garbage costs the Salvation Army about $1 million a year in Victoria, and $3 million nationwide. Which is revolting.
Worse, though, are those degenerate types who cruise charity bins at night looking for stuff to steal, either for themselves or — believe this if you dare — to sell at garage sales. Such behaviour is despicable, contemptible, shameful.
That is, of course, unless you happened to be walking by a charity bin after a pleasant night out and saw standing there what appeared to be a brand-new, pristine, solid-metal DVD storage tower that would look just great in your living room.
Cast in the diffused light of a nearby pharmacy sign, the tower gleamed and sparkled. It appeared to be looking for a home — specifically mine. "Take me. Take me home. I'm yours," it seemed to say. (I may have been a little drunk.)
Then came the moral dilemma. Wasn't it wrong to take off with something intended for the less fortunate? Or was there a sound case that could promptly rationalise this pesky thought into oblivion?
People in need don't own that many DVDs, I figured. If anything, they rent, and certainly not 50 at a time, which is what this magnificent thing could hold. So it'd surely be wasted on them. Also, the tower wasn't next to the bin but stood about two metres away, hence it could be argued that it was actually on its own and had nothing to do with the charity bin.
So with the liberal application of some good old-fashioned Nixonian deniability, I persuaded myself that I had "found" the tower, promptly wedged it under my arm like a jousting lance, and took it home.
Filled with my 50 favourite classic comedies — including the entire Bud Spencer/Terence Hill catalogue and the wildly misunderstood Raise the Titanic — the tower now took pride of place next to the plasma, right between the yellow and red milk crates.
It looked splendid. Heck, it looked like it belonged.
Then, at 3.17am, right in the middle of a medium-level nightmare about being speared with a lance by Richard Nixon, came this almighty crash that sounded like the house was being broken into by the monster from Cloverfield.
I ran to the living room, hit the lights and saw that the DVD tower had collapsed, and in a very special way. It appeared to have been aiming for my new, very expensive, tax-deductible Blu-ray player, which it had missed by a matter of millimetres.
I quickly deduced, CSI: Miami-like, that the welding on the metal base must have been faulty when I "found" it and had given way under the weight of the DVDs. Bugger, I thought. I consoled myself with the fact that I was now in possession of the world's longest toast rack.
Then I realised what this was. It was one of those "karma" deals, where the Great God of Getting Even with Thieving Bastards exacts revenge on wrongdoers with a customised calamity as divine punishment for their crime. I mean alleged crime.
The scrap metal value of the dismembered tower was about 12 cents, and the idea of paying a handyman to re-attach the base completely violated the sacred principle of getting something for nothing. So late that night I carried the thing back to the charity bin and deposited it with a small type-written sign that read: "DVD tower, free to good home. Base needs mending."
This, I hoped, would square me off with whatever deity was suddenly taking such an interest in my affairs and who presumably took almighty note that I left the charity bin exactly as I had found it, even though that large toaster oven looked to be in perfect working order and probably had really good resale value.
The Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal door knock is on this weekend. Dig deep.
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Yass Op-Shops
Both are on Meehan Street, which bisects the main drag.
Vinnies is just like any other Vinnies. We didn't bother to take a photo.
Prices are roughly equivalent to Canberra prices. Stock is similar. Clothing of all kinds, shoes, bric-a-brac, books, toys and linens.
There were some excellent linens the day we were there (but I resisted) and some very good woollens (which I didn't even try to resist). I brought home two new fine merino tops to use as thermals for $5 each, and a gorgeous woollen cardi in perfect nick for $20. That was a mistake, I thought it was $12, but we'd had a long day by then and I can be forgiven a small transgression.
Goulburn Op-Shops - Red Dove
Goulburn Op-Shops - Smith Family
Goulburn Op-Shops - Father Riley's and Red Shield
Situated in an old pub at 404 Auburn Street, they are a reasonable walk down Auburn Street from the other op-shops. Not too far, though.
Goulburn Op-Shops - Red Cross
Shoes were $10+ but were all in new or near new condition. A selection of new sunglasses, earrings and necklaces were also available.
Goulburn Op-Shops - Vinnies

Furniture - nothing special when we were there; bric-a-brac - the usual; books - a good variety; and knitting patterns lots (I only bought one which is more an indication of the extent of my collection than the quantity and quality on offer, which was good).
And a bonus second hand shop next door which had a nice supply of sewing and craft materials as well as furniture, bric-a-brac and collectibles. Prices seemed pretty reasonable, too.
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Baby & Kids Market this SATURDAY
Over 40 stalls filled with quality preloved baby & kids goods. Plus handpicked gorgeous new goods too.
From 9am to 12noon this Saturday at Woden CIT Auditorium Cnr Hindmarsh Dve and Ainsworth St, Phillip.
Plenty of free parking. $3 entry, kids free.
They say something silly about people with prams getting in the way in the initial rush and recommend them turning up at 10:30am which seems a bit mean.....and will be ignored by most people.
Future dates at EPIC in Mitchell 20 June 2009 and 19 September 2009
More pears for the collection. And the return of a new old favorite
Hurrah! Yesterday I finally had the time to go op shopping. More importantly, when I opened my wallet I discovered there was money in there. Always a handy thing to have when you plan to go op shopping...
I did the Salvos Jamison/ Vinnies Belconnen/ Salvos Belconnen/ Salvos Mitchell run and spent $19 of my $20.
There were five more pears bought for my collection at Vinnies Belconnen:

The excitement of the day was this dress which I bought at Salvos Jamison:

Monday, 11 May 2009
News from a reader
I wanted to let you know there is a $2.50 kids clothes sale at Salvos Fyshie. There is also a fabulous caramel coloured Debenams wool coat a la Barbra Striesand in The Way We Were size 10-12 (sadly, or it would be mine now)...
Cheers A
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Good vibrations
It's taking over premises previously occupied by a sex shop. We are informed that there will be no exorcism.
I'm trying to come up with something profound to say about a church run op-shop ousting a sex shop, but I can't stop giggling at the thought of some very confused, if infrequent, shoppers who turn up expecting the previous tenants